Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the service closing down?
We have made the difficult decision to discontinue the Sidecar Learning service. We appreciate all our users who have supported us throughout this journey.
How long will the service remain available?
The service will remain operational for a few more months to allow users to transition and download their data.
What happens to my data?
We recommend downloading any important data before the service closes. After the shutdown, all user data will be securely deleted.
Can I still download and use the desktop app?
While you can still download the app, please note that it will no longer function after the service shutdown as it requires connection to our servers. The app is available for different platforms:
How can I access my certificates?
All user certificates are available for download from our GitHub repository. You can find and download your certificates at: Sidecar Learning Certificates. We recommend downloading and saving your certificates before the service closure.
How can I contact the Sidecar Learning team?
For any questions or concerns about the service closure, or to get in touch with the team behind Sidecar Learning, you can contact Jason at: [email protected]